The unusual strength made the villagers look askance again and again.

Even gained a unique name for it.
Ye Dali
"Brother Dali"
A 12-year-old girl came to Ye Fengfeng with a piece of cloth more than one meter long.
"My brother can’t cut the knife. Can you rebuild it for us?"
She unwrapped the cloth bag, and inside it was a broad hunting knife, but it had some curling edges.
"Niwa, you went to the mountain with the old rush head first, and I told him when you came back."
Ye Feng sat in the front yard with a yellowed book in his hand and leafed through it at will.
This is a column that tells the story of Qihu family in forging industry.
A lot of them are blowing leaves in the wind, and they are used to read words.
"Brother Dali, you can read very well."
Niwa leaned in and laughed and said
Ye gave her a look with the wind, and casually started to look again.
After a while, Neva said, "Brother Dali, why don’t you build one?"
Ye shook his head with the wind.
"I won’t"
"Try it!"
Niwa laughed. "I think Brother Dali can definitely do it!"
Leaves combine with the wind
Similar situations have happened several times these days.
Who told him that he was fair-skinned, handsome and particularly energetic?
The little girls in the village are interested in coming to him.
This is handsome and annoying!
"All right, I’ll help you build it."
Ye said with the wind, "But you should send it back to your brother as soon as you are finished."
Niwa smiled with joy.
A moment later, a fire rose in the front yard, and the leaves were blowing with the wind, with a hunting knife in one hand and a sledgehammer in the other.
I have to say that this picture of a handsome young man who can be beautiful is really very impactful.
It’s a pleasure for Neva to drag her cheeks to help watch.
Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for the leaves to be forged with the wind.
A brand-new hunting knife appeared in front of Neva, and the blade was radiant with new cold light.
"All right, go home quickly."
Leaf wrapped the hunting knife with the wind and handed it to her.
Chapter 37 Really leaves with the wind
The lean Taoist priest in the front yard studied the hunting knife in his hand and looked at the leaves with the wind.
"Tough and sharp without exposure"
"This forging technique is not available to ordinary people."
He went on talking.
"What are you trying to say?"
Ye asked with the wind.
He didn’t go to the Taoist priest, but he didn’t expect the other party to find the door.
Moreover, the Taoist priest’s practice achievement method does not seem to be on the right path.
"Hehe is nothing."
Taoist priest put away his hunting knife and looked at Ye with a smile on his face.
"I heard that you are from the city?"
Ye nodded with the wind.
"It’s Yunxiao City"
"Have you ever heard of it?"
The Taoist priest thought for a moment and said, "I don’t seem to have heard of this city in Wan Li, Fiona Fang."
"Is there anything special about it?"
Leaves suddenly lost interest in the wind.
"It’s nothing particularly small."
Then he continued to look down.
This is about to be finished, and then it’s time to leave.