Ling Tian wiped it, but it didn’t work. He looked at Hong Qingbai.

"How did you just get it out?"
"I don’t know, just rub a …"
Said HongQingBai put his hand away.
Wipe gently
Red dot aside words suddenly appeared.
HongQingBai staring eyes incredible way
"Damn it, how can I change when you touch it?"
What’s going on? You don’t know?
Ling day secretly turned supercilious look so mused
"Have you touched anything before?"
"No … wait, I passed a strange pond before I met you …"
Hong Qingbai recalled and took out a small porcelain bottle.
"The color of the pond is not quite right. I didn’t dare to touch it, but I collected some. Maybe I got it when I collected it …"
Then he dropped the water inside the porcelain bottle on the map.
The water is light blue, but after dripping on the map, the color of the map turns dark yellow.
It’s the same color as the red dot
"It really is this!"
Hong Qingbai quickly spilled water all over the map.
The original pale yellow map is like an extra layer of mask, and the color is much dimmer.
The distribution of monsters in the mountains has not changed.
The only change is the addition of some red dot characters.
Hong Qingbai is excited.
"It won’t … this is a treasure map?"
"If it is true, then we …"
Before he finished, he suddenly realized something and quickly put away the map.
Quickly back more than ten meters warily staring at LingTianHe ginger.
"Ling Gong’s treasure map is mine, and it’s because of me that I found the clue."
"You … don’t mind?"
The posture as if ling day already can’t help to kill people.
Ginger tone want to’ criticisms’.
"Who do you take us for?"
"It’s necessary to guard against people’s hearts. We are not familiar with each other after all …"
Hong Qingbai bullet seems to have made any difficult decisions.
"Otherwise, the location of this treasure will be half of us!"
"Whoever wants where the treasure is set first, no matter who gets more, the other one is not allowed to be robbed?"
Chapter 922 Don’t blame me for your bad life.
Ling Tian quietly watched Hong Qingbai perform.
Before he said anything, this guy took the initiative to come up with a method, as if afraid that he would not be tempted.
Hongqingbai didn’t seem to notice Ling Tianxin’s mind. He had a face with biting color.