Here, several intelligence agents and mercenaries are more active, but at the same time, there are some restrictions here. For example, you can conduct some transactions here and even have some accidents.

However, you must take care of yourself and not let others be affected. After all, everyone doesn’t want to attract too much attention from the outside world. If it attracts too much attention, everyone can’t do business.
All you need to do is deal with the beginning and the end, or everyone will get rid of you and tidy up the end and the end
"Morocco, are you sure you want to go there?" Hou Dasheng said with a wry smile. "I heard the boss say that it is not a good place."
"Our legion will be there. If I want to inherit my brother’s legacy, I must go there." Lisa smiled slightly. "In fact, this is also a test for me."
"If I can’t even survive this, it is inevitable to be abandoned by the legion. After all, the problem with the legion hundreds of years ago was that the head of the regiment even gave up on himself. They don’t need people who can’t even reach the venue."
Chapter one hundred and ninety-five Raid
Hou Dasheng was silent, and the problem before them appeared. In France or Paris, they can at least protect themselves. Although it is windy outside now, they can still do something.
But I dare not say all this without France. Even leaving Paris will be very dangerous.
"It’s just as dangerous to stay in Paris," Hou Dacheng sighed and said to Lisa. "It’s obvious that now you have fallen to Albizi, even if you don’t fall in the past, you will remain neutral."
Hou Dasheng didn’t say the last words, but Lisa is very white. Simply put, she has no helper except Hou Dasheng and the elixir, and the elixir is not her. The viper is her, and the elixir will leave when it is closed.
But when it’s over, it’s up to the viper to decide. Everything is in the hands of others. Lisa really relies on jackals. Lisa can’t help but sigh deeply at the thought.
In its glory days, there were a bunch of people who praised the merits and approached the Silex family, but once the family was in trouble, there were more people who stood by and did nothing.
"I’m almost certain that your family’s official power has faded," Hou Dacheng said with a wry smile. "It can be seen from the fact that they lost their chance to search you from men in black."
And this door was snapped, and the giant wolf slowly came in and put a large pizza on the table. "It seems that you will leave France as soon as possible, and our sources say that you will be wanted soon unless you go to the poor museum to explain what you will be involved in the dead blade."
"Otherwise, they will always want you." The giant wolf paused and looked at Lisa. "Of course, if you decide to go.
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Then I can tell you that you will die there. "
Lisa didn’t speak, but bowed her head and said nothing. She knew that the giant wolf was telling the truth. Now it is not one or two people who want her to die. It is very likely that those who once supported her also want her to die quickly.
If she doesn’t die, it will be awkward for them. Is it better to rely on other forces or not to rely on them? Is it better to persist, remain neutral or support others to destroy Lisa?
It can be said that this incident has given them an embarrassing problem.
"Deputy Speaker, even if there is no betrayal, he must have chosen neutrality now." Lisa caressed her forehead and smiled bitterly. "It seems that I really lost all my supporters."
The giant wolf kept swinging with a coke in his hand. "No, no, no, no, you have a jackal. To be honest, although our fighting capacity is limited, it is still possible to protect you from leaving France."
"But now the situation is that I need to go to Monaco in three days." Lisa nai shrugged and handed the giant wolf an invitation with a special seal on the table.
The latter took the invitation with a frown. "Hey, how did you get it?"
"I have a special contact with the Legion," Lisa said with a wry smile. "The fact is that my brother has a special contact with the Legion. I haven’t seen him, and he probably hasn’t seen me."
After a pause, Lisa whispered to the giant wolf, "I can’t tell you the specific contact information. I always receive a message from him every week. This invitation letter was received yesterday."
Lisa refused to elaborate on the giant wolf, nor did she force every organization to have its own core secrets. Members of the organization are not allowed to divulge secrets at will, which the giant wolf knows very well.
Because even jackals have their own core things, which must not be leaked out, such as jackal base, jackal’s merchant level, some jackal assets and so on.
"It’s not a big problem to arrive in Monaco in three days. I think Monaco is better for us." The giant wolf stretched and yawned. "France will be more troublesome after all. We can’t make a big fuss."
Hou Dacheng smell speech took a look at the giant wolf. He knew in his heart that Monaco was even more troublesome. The giant wolf seemed to perceive Hou Dacheng’s idea and smiled. "Clean up the first and last words, and no one will pay attention to you in the Monaco massacre."
The giant wolf’s shameful words made Hou Dasheng roll his eyes. Well, that’s true. Monaco came without its own armed forces, let alone its own intelligence organization and national security organization
There, whether it is an intelligence dealer or an arms dealer, or a mercenary or a killer organization, it is a fact that they are all at home. This is also one of the reasons why this small country has been without being annexed.
Everyone needs such a place to conduct some special transactions. It doesn’t belong to people. It doesn’t have its own rules and the ability to fight back and investigate. Where you need to clean up the head and tail before you can be reckless.
What they are doing is not to mention that even a country with a sense of ownership, certain intelligence capabilities and armed forces will not be allowed, and it is very likely that it will cause international trouble and eventually be hunted down.
But none of this will happen in Monaco. Of course, before that, you need to clean up your head and tail, so that people can let you quit the game.
In this giant wolf and Hou Dacheng’s face suddenly changed. The giant wolf looked at Hou Dacheng and suddenly raised his hand, while Hou Dacheng made a hush gesture to Lisa with great tacit understanding.
After finishing this gesture, Hou Dasheng quietly squatted down to Lisa, then let Hou Dasheng move over and set the pizza table. Then he pulled the carpet. When the carpet was pulled, he suddenly saw that there was a big hole in the carpet.
The hole is not deep, but the wooden board is tied with a bolt. When Hou Dasheng pulls the bolt, it suddenly becomes clear. That is another room, and the hole is a higher small bar.
Hou Dacheng was busy with the giant wolf, and he was not idle. I don’t know where the giant wolf touched a ball, but he saw that he was very skilled in stuffing a thin tube into it, and then his face was entangled in a line.
At this time, Hou Dacheng had changed her flat shoes with both hands, and Lisa put her in the hole. The hole was another room, and Lisa’s feet came and she was easily a little higher than the bar.
Lisa, firmly at the bar, squatted quietly from the bar to the room. The window of this room was also slightly dark, and the light came from the hole.
Soon Hou Dacheng followed him from the mouth of the cave to the room and stayed in the building. The giant wolf had pulled several silk threads and at the same time, clouds 4 were wrapped around the room by him.
When he went down the hole to the room, Hou Dasheng was pulling out a huge box from the bar counter. When the box was hit, we could see the inside of the box.
Automatic rifle parts were disassembled and packed in boxes in order. Hou Dasheng quickly assembled an ar15 and his casual shoes were quickly kicked off.
In front of Lisa, Hou Dasheng directly changed his tactical gear and boots, and at the same time, he put a bulletproof ceramic insert plate on himself, and another bulletproof vest was thrown to Lisa.
The latter raised his hand and took it and quickly changed himself from the surface. The giant wolf also silently touched his box and quickly changed himself into a suit of equipment, including bulletproof vests, tactical gear and helmets.
In less than five minutes, the three quickly changed all this and walked slowly to the door.
"Boom" suddenly there was a huge explosion upstairs. Obviously, someone tried to force their way into their room, which triggered the giant wolf to stay 4.
When the explosion sounded, Hou Dasheng rushed to the door and suddenly pulled the giant wolf out of the door with a gun, guarding two figures dressed in black and wearing helmets.
When these two figures saw someone flicker out of the door, they immediately raised their guns. However, they were still half a beat slow. The distance between the two sides was less than 15 meters. At the moment when the giant wolf faced the two figures at the door, it was "bang" and two shots were fired.
Only to see these two men in the middle of the gun in their hands, when the helmet-wearing head suddenly exploded from their other cheekbones, and the cheekbones were smashed to pieces.
Then the warhead went into their brains and smashed their brain tissue in an instant. The brain tissue and brain stem were directly splashed out from the smashed occipital bone with the bloody blood, and the whole staircase door was scattered.
Two bodies convulsed and fell to the ground, and the scarlet blood gushed out as soon as it came out.
At the moment of the giant wolf gun, Hou Dacheng also came out according to the gun, only to see the giant wolf flicker directly and stick to the wall and come to the stairs after quickly killing two enemies.
At this time, Hou Dacheng has already seen the giant wolf at the door of the stairs. After receiving the signal, Hou Dacheng suddenly pulled the stairs and jumped in. No one was stationed in the stairs.
Hou Dacheng observed the first floor according to the gun, and the giant wolf also flicker into the stairs at this time. Lisa also entered after the giant wolf made an Ann gesture.
The giant wolf in black whispered, "Miss Lisa, it seems that your opponent is more energetic than you think."
Chapter one hundred and ninety-six Heavy losses
It was at the moment of the gun that the giant wolf knew that these people were men in black, that is, Hou Dasheng, the gendarmerie intervention team, and the giant wolf both had an alarm. This line alarm was connected to a transmitter disguised as a matchbox in the hidden place of the building counter.
When the transmitter button is pressed, they will receive the signal, and it is precisely because of receiving the dangerous signal that Hou Dasheng is ready to evacuate and fight back when they have enough.
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There was no accident waiting for two men in black at the entrance of the ladder. The two men directly raised their guns without hesitation when Hou Dacheng came out. However, they were still half a step slow, which was enough to decide their fate.
"Bang!" Two shots were fired in succession, and two men in black didn’t hum a word. The head was blown off directly, and the whole body was hit by the huge impact of the warhead and hit the ladder door with a "crash".