Suddenly, there is a feminine tone every day, and there is joy in the tone. As soon as I look forward, I see a slender girl with a black hair and a petite thigh in a student’s costume coming out of the darkness. She looks at him with a long knife with a strange shape and full of gears in her hand, and-smiles very much.

"bang! !”
Suddenly, the girl’s back was covered with metal wings, and the blue flame was sprayed in the wings, which burned and twisted the gas! Then the body sank slightly and the strange sword swept forward towards him with a wave of his hand!
"Grass Lilina! ?” I don’t have any impression on this woman in the past, but now I wake up at the sight of the wings and flying appearance behind each other. Isn’t this the follower of the well-known scattered player who promised to fight? How can it be here! Maybe … The one behind …
"Hey, so is Lilina. Can you call?"
Once again, there was a mocking sound behind him, which made the glory day horrified-he wanted to escape! !
He’s dead.
A knife was inserted before and after, and there was little room for resistance and he died directly.
"Lilina, let’s go. Go on," Yang Ye said lightly. When the miner’s hat was swept away, red dots appeared in front of him. Every red dot is an enemy. If they don’t go to Yang Ye, he will cut off his own writing!
It’s impossible to believe in the three knives. He didn’t survive the three attacks in the other hand! How is that possible! ? Although he is not well equipped, it is not bad. How come he was killed after three attacks? The damage to the other side is not too high!
After death, the glory days didn’t come back to life immediately. He looked at the battle panel-
[Unified player] The promise war has caused 317 damage to you! 】
Lilina, a wandering girl, has done 5792 harm to you and you are dead! 】
So … so strong.
Although I don’t want to admit it, the promise war is really not a hollow name. He is really strong. How many people can stop this attack in the game at present? Sighing, pulling out the friend column, choosing the mysterious person id and sending him a message-
"The promise war has come to save sakura rain, who has found us in Dolson."
The promise war is coming.
The news immediately swept all over Dolson’s "Pan-Sky Alliance". Some people were frightened, others were afraid, and more people said that a single promise could come and fight. Sakura rain is no worse than him, isn’t it? He took more than 50 guild members. It’s different. He fell here and was killed to level 3. He promised to fight harder. How much can he pick? Thousands?
What a joke!
The head has indicated that the promise war is coming. Kill the last scroll and let him have a good time!
Scroll-that is, when sakura rain is killed in a level 3 scroll unit, it is restricted to resurrect a target only once. It is estimated that there are also alliances in the current game. There are two sakura rain bodies here, and the last one is going to fight in the promise?
Hey, hey, okay, that’s great!
Promise war … Come on! !
"whew! !”
Arrows fly over and cut through the air, making a sharp sound and passing through Yang Ye’s ears … This linear attack is predicted by the trajectory of the miner’s hat, which is simply too easy to hide, and there is no possibility of being attacked at all.
"Cut the emperor type? Seven flashes! "
The sword leaned forward and suddenly sank in the path to draw a golden ghosting image. Before the ghosting image has disappeared, Yang Ye has reached this spirit arrow and looked at each other with slightly frightened eyes. Yang Ye light way-
"Wait for me to settle accounts with you slowly."
The figure flashed rapidly on the ground and outlined a golden six-pointed star, which was composed of the afterimage left by the body’s rapid action. The damage caused by this spiritual arrow was even more out in pieces-
Don’t say six times, even three times, this spirit arrow can’t resist. Just as the spirit arrow dies, the miner’s hat immediately locks its most valuable piece of equipment-
"die!" Yang Ye with anger roar a cut the last line at the same time spirit arrow force body also fell to the ground spirit level longbow fell to …
This is already 22 people.
I haven’t met Yang Ye for five rounds, but Yang Ye knows that it’s just the rain in Mao Mao, and it’s a warm-up for both sides. His biggest threat is not that this dish will affect the slag-dropping players, but that thousands of dishes will make it difficult for Yang Ye to break together.
Lilina has killed twice as many people as Yang Ye. She can’t attack and move faster than Yang Ye. The only thing that can make up the gap between the two sides is that Yang Ye has skills. Even so, Yang Ye also found that Lilina seems a little different when killing people-she is extremely excited and will probably obey Yang Ye’s orders. She can’t hear what others say.
"Come back to me immediately after Lilina is killed." Meditate in your heart and send the words directly to Lilina. In this way, followers and masters can communicate and they can hear them.
Sure enough, after a few seconds, Lilina appeared in some dark corners. Her face was smiling like a lamb, but she killed more people than Yang Ye, a player.
"Lilina, follow me. We have too many enemies. We must use tactics to break them. Then I will take you in a spiral shape and keep killing the enemy outside the enemy. You can’t leave my sight without my permission, do you hear?" Yang Ye did this in order to prevent the enemy who had already prepared to divide him from Lilina, which is very dangerous.
"Good brother!" Lilina nodded happily. She was really obedient in front of Yang Ye.
Nodding heavily, Yang Ye looked at the miner’s hat again, determined that the enemy was roughly distributed, and took Lilina in one direction …
Pan Tianyu Alliance is being killed in Dolson guild at this time, and the fruits of this victory are a little dizzy, especially those who have killed sakura rain. Their self-confidence is extremely inflated at this moment-even sakura rain can kill a ball?
Therefore, some orders from the head of the league, such as "members around the original ground center move closer to the center to prevent the promise war from being broken one by one", have become disdainful. After all, there are as many as a thousand people on their side, but the other side is better than a thousand players with command.
As the saying goes, opponents are afraid of being like gods and teammates like pigs.
These guys, who have never enjoyed the fruits of great victory, have been dominated by stupid yu Wang and turned a deaf ear to the first order, so they want to find a one-on-one fight …
The alliance doesn’t know whether it’s true or false. Maybe it’s intentional that these people didn’t stop their actions-these guys didn’t know the importance of being serious and obedient until they hit their heads and broke their blood …
Dolson’s turbulent and strange atmosphere hangs over the forest, but after all, few people know about the battle. It is better to focus on it than to invest in the gates of the more intense Moon Valley
I’m afraid there hasn’t been such a tragic and grand battle since the opening of the Moon Valley. Every gate is full of people from both sides, east, south and west. The difference is that the north gate is an important place for the two sides to fight and the core of the breakthrough-the north is where Dolson breaks through here and reaches Dolson the fastest.
But at the same time, the enemy also put the defense center here, and the two sides have been deadlocked.
Lu Ye dragged out the grade list and searched for a sakura rain ID-Grade 3! I’m afraid sakura rain’s account is running out if we don’t support all our strength in the past.
"What happened to the chairman of the limit?" Asked the private rain aside. After receiving the news from Yang Ye, she also immediately withdrew from the team assistant and came to Yuexi Valley for rescue, but the situation was far more complicated than she expected.
"It’s not good that we can’t rush out. The other side is covered with fire at the gate. No one can go out, and both of us set the resurrection point in the nearest resurrection point of Yuexi Valley. I don’t know what it will hit. I’m afraid that even if we rush out at that time, it will be disconsolate." Land night sighed, and the situation was more difficult than imagined.
"What room is there?" Private rain centering asked
"Can … see that guy means" to be continued.
Chapter 294 Chinese food
"It’s not too arrogant for you to try to be a hero in the promise war. Some Dolson are all our people now. Do you dare to kill a person like this when we are finished?"
Across from Yang Ye, there was a row of more than a dozen people who looked at him with sarcastic eyes and disdain. One of them had a disdainful smile on his mouth. He said that Yang Ye had been hanging around in Dolson for a long time, and at least 100 people died in his hands. At least 300 people were killed by Lilina in Dolson. At this time, Yang Ye’s head id was already dark and red, and there was a special effect to drop blood. If someone could kill him, it would be estimated that he would be able to explode.
Yang Ye can kill so many people, but he still has to dare to think that this group of idiots who killed cherry blossoms are natural enemies after the rain. They don’t go to team up one by one and then encircle him, but they all act alone. It’s not stupid enough to play with others if they want to find him one-on-one. Now the situation is that he is in the dark and the other party is doing what he wants-that is, benefiting the powerful ability of miners’ hats, realistically going to enemy positions and then choosing the weakest people to kill!