Li Shaoqiu did not communicate with the referee. "What are the rules of the three-legged competition for two people?"

The referee was stunned. "Two people stand side by side, one left leg and the other right leg, knee and ankle are tied with ropes from the starting point to the finish line."
"That’s right, our legs are stuck together, and we both reach the finish line together. So we haven’t broken the rules. Why should we cancel our grades? It’s unfair."
Parents, I’ve never seen such a shameless drill. You really won!
Section 52
Sugar cube covering her face is really embarrassing.
In the end, Comrade Li Shaoqiu’s "patient communication" kept their grades and won the first place smoothly.
Little darling said to Lele, "Your father is really amazing."
Lele rolled her eyes. "Then do you want to call dad with me?"
It’s a little difficult, "but I have a father."
Lele "But your father is not as powerful as Lao Li."
Next to Han Zhaoxue, the conversation between the two little guys stopped in the ear every word, and the black face held his daughter over and sank, "Dad is very powerful."
Little darling’s eyes lit up. "Really?"
Han Zhaoxue "Ask Mom if you don’t believe me"
Essence …
Lele …
The last game is the relay race. It is estimated that the distance is not long, that is, it is only 50 or 60 meters. Ten meters before, mom is asked to run with dad, and then 20 meters after that, dad is asked to run with mom. The last paragraph is completed by the children themselves.
This paragraph stumped the parents, but it was not easy for mom to carry dad, and she couldn’t stand on tiptoe for a long time.
Han Zhaoxue is looking at the essence of small size, afraid that she will crush her bones. Is this the rules of the game?
Essence activities a leg twist a head to say "come on"
Han Zhaoxue has a strange feeling that she feels like a big girl, but is there a girl as strong as him?
He coughed and walked over and put it on Bai Su’s shoulder. "Are you back up?" Why don’t I carry you
Essence word will he carried up Han Zhaoxue feet just off the ground consciousness hugged essence shoulder.
Essence’s legs trembled but remained steady. Then Han Zhaoxue heard her whisper, "I can do a lot of things by myself so much that you can’t imagine that I can live well without relying on others."
Han Zhaoxue dazed, suddenly understand the essence of meaning in the words.
What he once said was unforgettable in Bai Su ‘er’s mind, but it is still fresh in her memory. She told Han Zhaoxue in her own strength that she could live well without him. She never needed to rely on him because he was her husband and her recognized generation, but now …
Han Zhaoxue is afraid to think about it more and more, and he feels flustered. He feels that this person will disappear from his eyes in a second.
The distance of ten meters is not far, but the difficulty is too great. Many couples walked for a long time for one or two meters, stopped once in the middle, and then firmly carried him back to the designated position.
Unlike other mothers, who are complaining and coquetry at the same time, she has never been charming with him from beginning to end except one sentence.
Han Zhaoxue suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. He didn’t want the essence to become like this, but it was him who turned her into this kind of person himself.
The two of them exchanged silence. When Han Zhaoxue picked up the extremely light-weight essence, he didn’t run in a hurry but whispered, "What if I want you to rely on it?"
A gust of wind blew away Han Zhaoxue’s words. Essence didn’t hear clearly and whispered, "What did you say?"
Han Zhaoxue sipped his lips "nothing"
Essence didn’t ask again
Chapter 1 Give you a chance to come and hug me.
There was no answer to that question in the end, and he was afraid that her answer would not be what he expected, and she seemed to have given up.
Han Zhaoxue came to the little girl with Essence on her back. She cheerfully took the baton and ran to the finish line. Essence was worried that her body would accompany her to run the trail. "Slow down, little darling, pay attention to your feet."
Seeing that there are still a few meters to go to the finish line, I don’t know where a chubby jumped out, and soon he chased him and turned his head. He didn’t forget to make faces at the little girl, and some of her anger accelerated.
Essence is worried and afraid of what she said at this time, which makes the little darling care more about winning or losing. What’s worse, this is that the little darling can get the ranking on her own and naturally doesn’t want to lag behind.
She was worried when she saw Lele coming. The little guy didn’t put the brakes on quickly and suddenly, and then directly hit the chubby. Fortunately, both of them fell to the ground at the same time. The school lawn was extremely soft and it didn’t hurt. It just made the onlookers feel distressed and got a fright. I wanted to help Lele. Who wanted Lele to twist her head and wink at her? "Run!"
The little darling froze for a few meters and easily crossed it.
When Xiao Pang saw that he was robbed and tripped over the first place, he was unhappy when he was smelly or an accomplice. He grinned and cried, "Does it count if you cheat?"
Lele didn’t care what he cried, he jumped up directly, and the three of them also crossed the finish line and successfully won the second place. Then everyone ran past one by one, and chubby wait for a while didn’t react until he reached the finish line, and he was the last one and then cried like a cat.