After the original place put some 8 jin j pioneer island to Li Yuanqing, it mainly brought their heads, armor and weapons.

After all, Yao Fumin and Jin Guan followed him, and Li Yuanqing got a little soup to drink. They also needed the post-8 Jin Jun head to prove their glory and achievements.
But at this time, Vonager’s foolishness completely disrupted the Li Yuanqing plan
Looking at the darkness not far ahead, the Jin j front is getting closer and closer. Li Yuanqing vomited a long mouthful of polluted air, and suddenly a cruel smile appeared on his mouth: "Since Wunag wants to die, then be him!"! Xu Hei! "
"BeiZhi in! ! !”
Xu Hei stayed here for so long that he couldn’t wait for the ceremony!
Li Yuanqing smiled coldly: "Let’s do it! Let this sea area be their burial place! "
"yes! Beizhi obeys orders! "
Xu hei couldn’t help but fly to the observation deck with great joy. He kept a whistle hanging on his chest and soon the harsh whistle sounded on the observation deck.
Yao Fumin and Jin Guan are still not white. What does Li Yuanqing really want to do? He is busy and anxious to look at Li Yuanqing.
Yao Fumin was so anxious that his eyes were about to burst out. "Li Shuai, we must line up to meet the enemy!" Otherwise, the consequences are simply unimaginable! "
Golden crown in the mind also has urgent fire, but Li Yuanqing, after all, is a star in heaven. He is composed like a mountain here, and Golden Crown also dare not let himself behave like Yao Fumin. He can watch Li Yuanqing nervously but dare not speak.
Li Yuanqing smiled faintly: "Don’t worry, two generals, you can’t eat hot tofu! Wait for a moment and you will be invited to see a good show! !”
With that, Li Yuanqing said to several women in Zhao Mei in one corner: "Xiaomei, you guys have also polished your eyes, and I’ll show you my immortal means!"
"eh? This "
Yao Fumin and Jin Guan all have some language, but several women in Zhao Mei are full of excitement.
Don’t say Nellie and Xiao He, but Zhao Mei has already believed in Li Yuanqing’s "immortal" means at this time.
At this time, with the black whistle and shouting, the engineers have been waiting for a long time, and they have ignited the fuses everywhere.
With Li Yuanqing personally guiding the lead wire, sufficient preventive and treatment measures were taken when it was placed.
It’s like later generations burying wires in floors and walls.
Of course, at this time, the level of science and technology is obviously the kind of anti-corrosion, anti-mania, and wear-resistant insulator plastic pipe that will be used in the future.
But this can’t stand the wisdom of the working people!
After several tests and discussions, Li Yuanqing, Xu Hei and a dozen engineers took the method of digging and ice chisel.
Dig out and chisel out a ditch almost ten centimeters deep in the ground, pad broken wood chips in it, bury the lead wire, and then cover it with wood boards and chips and lead it directly to the ice surface.
In the vicinity of the burial site, sawdust and wood board and wood chip explosives are also processed in the same way to make room for their rapid explosion when burning.
Of course, several vents should be added in the lead guide path.
Generally speaking, this is a rather complicated process. It took nearly 500 engineers and 500 auxiliary soldiers to complete the whole project construction.
At this time, the 8 Jin j charge is still continuing, and the firepower in the stronghold of Changsheng Camp is still fierce and powerful.
However, the white smoke ignited by the bird’s nest mixed with fine snow has largely concealed the rapid burning of the ground wire.
At this time, after rushing to the shore, there were already three or four thousand people screaming and rushing to various strongholds in front of them.
However, the defenses of these strongholds in Changsheng Camp are very stable, and the mounds and ice walls are all three meters. Even with the help of war horses, it is difficult for these elite cavalry to rush in directly. They can close the distance and shield themselves to protect themselves and shoot arrows desperately toward the strongholds!
The whole battlefield situation is very mixed.
However, the unique visual advantage of the observation deck is that Li Yuanqing firmly notes the burning situation of several lead tracks
Not surprisingly, there are still misfires, but there are many lead structures. Only when Li Yuanqing saw them, 30 or 40 of them were already burning vigorously.
"Come on! Go! Go! Kill all these lowly Chinese dogs! Take Li Yuanqing alive! "
To the west, in the direction of the war of 8 Jin Army, Vunag also came to the ditch at this time and shouted at the Daikin warriors to move forward.
These big gold warriors are a small number of Mongolian fine riders in Wunag, and most of them are true slaves of various flags and their minions.
In normal times, Vonager can’t command these lords.
However, with his master Huang Taiji behind him, these elite warriors of the late Jin Dynasty will completely obey his Wunag’s command.
At this time, although the situation is not bright, years of inertia and years of experience have made Vonager always have a concept in his heart that there is no way for them to rush over and get close to the army! Even if it’s Li Yuanqing!’
Therefore, Wu Nage can’t wait to hope that the Daikin warriors can rush to the island in the shortest time to oppress and compress the military life so that the army can create chaos in the Ministry first.
But at this moment, my feet suddenly’ scoffed’.
A slave of Wunag’s pro-guard had excellent ears, which made him find it extremely busy in a moment. He said to Wunag, "Listen to me, sir, as if something is ringing!"
However, Wunag’s mind is on the front of the war at this time. When he ignored this slave’s words, he impatiently waved his hand and said, "Listen to yourself and tell me when you understand it! Get out! "
Werner was about to whip the slave, but just then there was a sudden "bang" from the side of the ditch not far ahead.
Werner is not from one leng.
But that is, when Vunag just lost his mind, the surrounding area suddenly "rumbled" into pieces, and it was like something was broken, which made people feel uncomfortable!
"What’s the matter? What the hell is going on? "
Werner was so frightened that he looked around and shouted.
But everyone is a little confused and doesn’t know what happened.
Suddenly, someone in front of me was just like killing a pig: "Oh, no, no!" The ice is cracked! The ice is cracked! Go back quickly! "
But after he shouted wunag, his feet were crunchy and then crunchy.
With the continuous deep muffled hum, the whole foot ice surface collapsed like an earthquake.
"ah! Help! Help! I can’t swim! Help me! Help me! "
The overall collapse first spread from the vicinity of the trench and then quickly spread around.
The speed of the huge ice surface is visible to the naked eye, and it breaks rapidly, which is like a ground fissure and landslide. After that, countless gold soldiers and horses poured into the cold sea water.
But that’s not all.
The cold and howling north wind is not going to let them go like this.